Thursday, October 22, 2009

Two Months

Well here October is already almost over and I still haven't written a blog post this month. I'm horrible at this multi-tasking thing with a baby! I love to just hold Daphne all day long though. Even the days when I go to work, I'm holding her in the sling that my fabulous sister, Rosie, made for me most of the time. So here I am, now that Daphne is just over two months old, finally writing some more. I really don't have too much to write here, except about my adorable baby girl. She really is my life now, as I'm sure most of you moms can relate to. We had her two-month wellness check at the doctor's last Friday. She is 22 inches long, but she only weighs 8 lbs. 14 oz. now, so she really hasn't gained a whole lot. The doctor is not so happy with me about that one. I just don't get it though, cause she seems to be satisfied when I feed her. She doesn't seem to be super hungry all the time. She just isn't gaining a whole lot of weight either. Anyone out there have any advice for me on how to build up more milk or anything though? Cause the doctor wanted me to pump to see how much I've been getting..and that hasn't really worked out so well for me. Apparently I'm really not producing enough, but she still seems to be satisfied with what I am producing. It's just turning out to be super frustrating to any advice any of you have about that would be helpful. Here are some updated pictures of my little princess. She is just the cutest baby in the world! How could you not want to spend all your time with this cutie?!

She has dimples and everything. And she is still such a good baby. She makes being a parent easy! I love how she will interact with Andrew and me now. She coos and reacts to peek-a-boo, and likes to be read and sung to, and just has the cutest smile ever! (Sorry, I couldn't decide which picture I thought was cutest, so I just had to post a bunch. :) ) We are so in love with her!

She knows and loves her Daddy. These were all taken while he was getting her to smile....


Christa said...

Talk to Heather. She works with the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and can get you lots of info.

The Romney Family said...

Yay, you posted again! I'm so happy to see more pictures of Daphne--she is ADORABLE! I can't believe it's already been two months... Wow.

Well, I totally hear you on the not gaining weight thing. Kate did great until she was 4 months old and then suddenly totally stopped gaining for 2 months straight. She's been gaining steadily since then, but it has been such a battle, and she's still behind because of those lost 2 months. It is just SO hard sometimes--we had the same problem with breastfeeding. She'd nurse for literally like 5 minutes and then seem like she was ready to be done, so I would make her nurse on the other side, but she'd only do another 5 minutes there. She was totally happy and always seemed satisfied, but I knew she wasn't getting enough, so we ended up starting some solids sooner than we had planned (around 5 1/2 or 6 months), which she loved, but then she was even less interested in nursing. I finally decided just to supplement with formula around 9 months, and she was great with that, but it caused her to wean herself within like 2 days, which I was kind of bummed about. I don't know, it's just really hard to know what to do, but if she seems happy and healthy and is developing normally in all other ways, I would try not to stress yourself too much about it. Talking to a lactation consultant would be a great idea, or someone from LLL--they can be a huge, huge help. But there isn't always a whole lot you can do, some babies just grow at different rates and that doesn't always mean there's a problem.

Anyway, WOW, sorry, that was probably a much longer response than you were looking for. Just wanted to let you know that I can empathize! And I'm sure you are doing a fabulous job, so don't beat yourself up over something that really isn't anyone's fault and really probably isn't even a problem. She looks just perfect to me--she's absolutely gorgeous and seems quite happy and healthy!

Rosie and Derek said...

Awww, you captured some CUTE smiling pictures!! She's such a doll!

Malinovka said...

She's so cute!!! I'm so glad you posted more pics--I've been waiting. :) Wow, not even 9 lbs at 2 months? That does seem very small. One thing that really helps milk production is drinking A LOT. You should always be drinking, at least a tall glass every time she nurses. Tamara thought drinking milk helped her. And just making sure she nurses on each side every time she eats. It took me a long time before I realized I wasn't producing with Mierae--she didn't gain any weight for almost 6 months! Supplementing can be helpful, but I know how hard it is to turn to that. If you're not getting anything out when you're pumping, you're probably not producing! You should feel full of milk before she eats, and then feel like it's been drained out pretty well. It's so hard, though, when she's a good baby--sleeping well, not fussy--to think that something might be wrong. Good luck! Love you!

Jordan said...

I had the same nonpoducing issues and tried really hard, but was unsuccessful. Try what you can to get your production up, but supplement if you need to. The guilt of not solely breastfeeding is nothing compared to the guilt of knowing your baby spent months being hungry. That part of being a mommy isn't so much fun. Also, it took a while for Eliana to get chunky. She was still super skinny at two months.

Mandi and Adam said...

She's so cute! I love all the pictures of her smiling. It's so nice to have a good, happy, easy baby! You're lucky.
When I had my first I had problems producing enough milk too. I talked to a lactation consultant and she told me to drink malted milk and A&W rootbeer. She said the rootbeer had malt in it, but it really doesn't, so I don't know if that really helped, but it was a good excuse for me to drink it. :) But the malted milk did seem to help. I wouldn't drink it plain or even just in chocolate milk 'cause I think it's nasty. I put it in orange julius type drink and that was okay, but you can still taste the malt. What I liked to do is put it in hot chocolate (made with milk, not water) and then you can't really taste it. My husband usually made it for me, so I'm not exactly sure how much he did. I think about 1 T. malted milk for 1 1/2 c. or so of milk. We have a hot chocolate maker that we use heat and mix everything. It's awesome! Anyway, try the malted milk however you want to drink it. It really did seem to make a difference. And then try pumping if you can because the more you use, the more you produce. If none of that works, supplement with some formula. You just have to do what's best for your baby and sometimes you just can't give them that. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Too cute