Monday, March 2, 2009


Well I now have my ultrasound appointment set up, so I decided that it's time to set up a poll to see if you think I'm going to be having a boy or a girl. The appointment is 3 weeks from today, on the 23rd of this month. So everyone make sure to get your vote in before that! :)

The doctor's appointment went really well today. The shortest of them all so far. We only had to wait for the doctor for like 20 minutes instead of the 45-50 we had to wait last time. That was a definite plus. :) We listened to the heartbeat again--I just don't ever get tired of that! I feel relieved every time he finds it cause then I know my baby is okay! The doctor is guessing it's a boy...and Andrew has a feeling it'll be a boy too. What do YOU think? Some of my symptoms that might help you decide if you put any stock into Old Wives' Tales:

--baby has a slower heartbeat
--I crave fruit, but haven't craved chocolate or other sweets at all
--Andrew has not gained any weight
--I started experiencing morning sickness at about 6 weeks. I think that's early...
--my face has been breaking out
--my age+month of conception=even number

So there ya go...make a choice. :) We'll find out who's right in just a couple weeks!

Edited to add (just for you Robyn :) ) : Even though the doctor guessed this last time that it's a boy, he guessed girl the time before. And also, although boys tend to have slower heartbeats, he said that he has two girls who both had slower heartbeats. Just throwing that in the mix...


Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

I vote boy.

Malinovka said...

Fine, leave it up to us, then sway us towards boy! I was going to say girl before I read the give-away. :) Now, I can't say... BUT, they do say boys usually have the slower heartbeats. I craved chocolate all the time with Mierae, but with Jolie I craved vanilla ice cream. I was SURE she was a boy. :)

Kristen said...

You already know what I think... Let's just hope that I'm right. If it turns out being the other one, we'll just pretend that's what I said from the beginning. :)

The Romney Family said...

So exciting, Char! Can't wait to find out! And P.S. I'm so sorry you've been so sick!! I hope you're feeling better now...

Rebecca said...

I guess...GIRL!!